Today we published new application version with native support for Facebook Workplace.

How to enable it? Please login to your Facebook Workplace account with administrative rights.

Click on Dashboard / Integrations and click “Create App” button. Enter “App Name” (it can be AppBeat or something similar) and set minimum App Permissions to: “Read content” (needed to read group id) and “Post to groups” (needed to post alert).

Now go to AppBeat and click “Alerting” from left menu. Select “Third-Party service integration” tab, click “Add new integration” button and select “Workplace by Facebook”:

Please enter following fields:

  • arbitrary integration name (seen only in AppBeat)
  • access token (you should get this when you create Workplace App as described above)
  • community id (available from Facebook Workplace Dashboard / Integrations)
  • group (group name which is available in Facebook Workplace; you can also leave default group named “General”)

We suggest that you click “Test” button and check for any errors. If everything goes OK, you should see new test post in your Workplace group.

Finally, don’t forget to associate your new Facebook Workplace integration with your AppBeat service. You can do this by clicking “Services & Checks” from left menu, double-click on service that you want to link, select “Notification types” tab, enable (check) your new integration and click “Save” button.

Optionally you can repeat this for multiple services.

Hopefully you will find these instructions useful. And as always - happy monitoring!