Price comparison of website monitoring services (2017)
We have compiled pricing list of popular website monitoring services for their entry level monthly plans. For easier comparison, all prices were converted to EUR (we used latest exchange rate which was available on February 12th, 2017).
Monitoring prices as of February 12th, 2017:
Entry price
Discounted price
Notification types
12.95 EUR / month
not available
Email, SMS, webhook, Twitter
~6.5 EUR / month
~5.17 EUR / month
Email, SMS, webhook, Twitter, Boxcar 2, Pushbullet, Pushover, HipChat, Slack
~8.46 EUR / month
not available
Email, Cachet, PagerDuty, Slack, StatusPage, Twitter
~9.4 EUR / month
not available
Email, SMS
11.44 EUR / month
10.30 EUR / month
Email, SMS, PagerDuty, Slack
~9.4 EUR / month
~8.46 EUR / month
Email, SMS, PagerDuty, Zapier
~9.35 EUR / month
not available
4.99 EUR / month
2 EUR / month
Email, SMS, webhook, HipChat, OpsGenie, PagerDuty, Pushover, Slack, StatusPage
Based on this list we calculated annual cost for single one-minute monitor.
Yearly price for 1 minute monitor = (Entry price / Monitors) * 12⌗
pingometer: (8.46 EUR / 5 monitors) * 12 months = 20.304 EUR for each monitor per year
Pingdom: (12.95 EUR / 10 monitors) * 12 months = 15.54 EUR for each monitor per year
Uptrends: (11.44 EUR / 10 monitors) * 12 months = 13.728 EUR for each monitor per year
Site24x7: (9.40 EUR / 10 monitors) * 12 months = 11.28 EUR for each monitor per year
Happy Apps: (9.35 EUR / 25 monitors) * 12 months = 4.488 EUR for each monitor per year
AppBeat: (4.99 EUR / 25 monitors) * 12 months = 2.3952 EUR for each monitor per year
uptime: (9.40 EUR / 50 monitors) * 12 months = 2.256 EUR for each monitor per year
Uptime Robot: (6.50 EUR / 50 monitors) * 12 months = 1.56 EUR for each monitor per year
Discounted yearly price for 1 minute monitor = (Discounted price / Monitors) * 12⌗
pingometer: (8.46 EUR / 5 monitors) * 12 months = 20.304 EUR for each monitor per year
Pingdom: (12.95 EUR / 10 monitors) * 12 months = 15.54 EUR for each monitor per year
Uptrends: (10.30 EUR / 10 monitors) * 12 months = 12.36 EUR for each monitor per year
Site24x7: (8.46 EUR / 10 monitors) * 12 months = 10.152 EUR for each monitor per year
Happy Apps: (9.35 EUR / 25 monitors) * 12 months = 4.488 EUR for each monitor per year
uptime: (9.40 EUR / 50 monitors) * 12 months = 2.256 EUR for each monitor per year
Uptime Robot: (5.17 EUR / 50 monitors) * 12 months = 1.2408 EUR for each monitor per year
AppBeat: (2.00 EUR / 25 monitors) * 12 months = 0.96 EUR for each monitor per year