Should we support more rich rule expressions?

We are seriously considering to upgrade our rule engine with option to specify multiple Warning or Error rules by using “named expressions”. In current version you can write quite complex expressions, but they trigger generic Warning / Error message. Our idea is to allow users to specify multiple named Warning / Error expressions which would give you more information / context. For example, in Warning rule you could have something like this (expression with two rules):
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Source code for our website monitoring command line tool

As we have previously promised, we published full source code of our cross-platform website monitoring command line tool. You can get it from Tool is written in C# and targets cross-platform .NET Core framework. This means you can run it on Windows, Linux or Mac. Tool currently supports following commands: AppBeat Command Line Interface for monitoring automation, version 1.0.0 Usage: dotnet AppBeat.CLI.dll [command] [options] command: help Displays this help.
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Houston, we have a mobile app!

The AppBeat Android app lets you connect to your AppBeat uptime monitoring service from anywhere, anytime. You can view current live status of your checks and do basic check management: • create simple web checks • pause/resume specific check or entire group of checks For more powerful management you can always login to our web application at where you can: • view uptime / downtime reports, performance reports and incident reports
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Android beta testers needed!

Would you like to participate in beta testing of our companion Android app for website monitoring? Drop us an email on p.s. testers will also receive discount codes for our paid plans
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Sneak peek: AppBeat website monitor client for Android

Early development version of AppBeat monitoring client for Android: One of our main goals is simplicity! What do you think?
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