Your monthly monitoring plan includes predefined number of monthly SMS messages which are used to notify you about outages.

For some users this number may be low and for this reason we decided to write short tutorial how to add your own SMS provider which is limited only by available credit on your account.

In this tutorial we will describe how to integrate with Nexmo but similar method could be applied for other SMS providers.

  1. register your account from SMS provider (Nexmo in this case) and add buy some credits
  2. in AppBeat click on “Alerting / Third-Party service integration”, click “Add new integration” and select “Dynamic Webhook”
  3. enter some name and in Webhook URL field enter:
  4. prepare payload for your provider, for Nexmo it should be something like this:
 "api_key": "YOUR_NEXMO_API_KEY",
  "api_secret": "YOUR_NEXMO_API_SECRET",
   "from": "AppBeat",
   "text": "%SUBJECT%"
  1. in “Which text should be found in response to treat it as success” please enter: “status”: “0”
  2. please test your integration by clicking “Test” button and check if you received your SMS. If everything works OK you can click “Add” button.

Once your integration is added you can go to “Services & Checks”, double-click on your service for which you want to enable new SMS integration, click on “Notification types” and make sure your new integration is selected. Confirm changes by clicking “Save” button.

Hopefully you will find this trick useful. Happy monitoring!