Running .NET Core web application on Linux

As proof of concept we tried to run AppBeat frontend (web application on on Ubuntu Linux 14.04. First we had to switch to portable NuGet client library for WCF. This is necessary for communication with our backend. We then used auto generated proxies from Visual Studio “Add Service Reference” utility and only changed few lines of code (to explicitly cast objects to IDisposable at the end). With this change web project was successfully compiled under dnxcore50 profile!
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Work in progress: installable smart agents for richer telemetry

We are planning to extend our platform with smart agents that can be installed on workstations or servers. We will provide for example CPU, memory, disk space monitoring, …, with possibility to extend agent with custom logic to monitor virtually anything. We plan to develop cross platform shared codebase with platform specific extensions. For example, here is example of simple implementation for Windows operating system, which uses Performance Counter to get CPU usage:
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We have switched to BETA 2

In this version of AppBeat we primarily focused on some optimizations of our core monitor service. For example, our core now sends database updates much much efficiently. In each monitoring batch that we dispatch we have several checks. When those checks return result, our dispatcher manager packs all the results into single DataTable and sends it to database as Table-Valued Parameter. This means single roundtrip to database, instead of previously tens of single database updates.
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