New scheduling algorithm

In last few days we upgraded our core scheduling algorithm which assigns agent resources (CPU, network) to your monitoring tasks. New version now handles agent resources much better and distributes monitoring tasks more equally. This results in much lower average resource usage on our entire pool of monitoring agents. Here is screenshot of CPU usage on one of our agents where this effect is clearly visible:
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Testing AppBeat monitoring automation

We are currently finishing command line tool for basic AppBeat management. Soon you will be able to get your system status, pause / resume / delete services and checks, create new checks. For example, this is minimum configuration for creating new check: { "Agent": "Web", "Name": "Check1", "Description": "Check created with AppBeat command line tool / API", "CheckIntervalInSeconds": "60", "AgentSpecificSettings": { "URL": "", "TIMEOUT": "15", "METHOD": "GET", "HTTP_VER": "http1.1", "IP_VER": "ipv4" } } AppBeat command line tool will be available for Windows, Linux and Mac.
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We simply love LINQ!

It is true! It is so powerful and useful feature that we use it as much as possible. Here is recent code snippet which uses “Linq magic”, resulting in much smaller and more readable code: Thank you LINQ team!
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Fully customizable web monitor

We are currently actively testing advanced web monitor which will allow you to: select HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, TRACE) select HTTP protocol version (1.0, 1.1 or newest HTTP 2) select IP version which should be used when sending request to server (IPv4 or IPv6) specify custom headers (you will be able to set custom user agent, …) define custom payload (for example for JSON POST, …) Stay tuned!
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AppBeat web app can now run on Linux!

We have successfully migrated our web application from .NET Core RC1 to .NET Core RC2 and published it on test Linux instance (CentOS). Best of all: AppBeat binaries are 100% identical to those on Windows (same cross platform codebase!) and were simply copied to Linux… And it works! It works great! Here are some setup details for those who are interested. First, you have to install .NET Core runtime by following simple instructions on Microsoft .
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