New AppBeat monitoring agents

We have added three new monitoring agents to our AppBeat collection: HTTP header agent: if you want to monitor just HTTP header values from web server, without downloading content, then you should use this agent. This is fastest and most optimal way, to check if your web server is alive. Note: your web server must support HTTP HEAD request as described in RFC 2616 protocol, section 9.4. TCP connectivity agent: this is simple agent which checks if TCP port is open or not.
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Ensuring that correct production version of website is deployed

It is common for web developers to have local “debug” version of website and production version. For example, in debug version you may have uncompressed, full version of JavaScript files for easier debugging and diagnostics, while in production environment you often deploy smaller and thus faster versions of same files. To automatically detect situation where you mistakenly published debug version into production environment, you can use free AppBeat account to monitor your web page and alert you of such mistakes.
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Improved wizard for adding new checks (monitors)

In latest beta version of AppBeat web app we introduced improved wizard for adding new checks (monitors). If you keep default names, you can add new website monitor with just three quick actions: click “Next” button on first step enter website URL on second step confirm by clicking “Finish” button Monitoring your website has never been so easy :) Try it out by signing up for free.
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Daily incident report

Today we added new report which can be accessed by clicking “Reports” on left sidebar and then selecting “Incidents by date” tab: Here you can see for each problematic website or service when did problem start and how long it took until problem was resolved. Alternatively you can also access this report by clicking date on “Undefined”, “Error” or “Warning” section of “Statistics & Logs” (as shown below in green rectangle):
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How do I whitelist AppBeat IP in CloudFlare?

If you receive false AppBeat alarms and your website is using CloudFlare, please ensure all IP addresses are whitelisted: IPv4, IPv6 Instructions on how to do this are displayed on CloudFlare Support: If you have problems please contact CloudFlare support, or contact us for more details by email: contact AT
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