Want to migrate from Pingdom or UptimeRobot? Now is the time!
We are introducing world’s lowest prices for website monitoring. We are giving you 50% discount for any paid plan!
We checked this market thoroughly and our prices are now guaranteed to be lowest! If you find any other monitoring provider with lower price, please let us know!
Our most affordable paid plan is now only 5.04 EUR per year and includes 5 monitors with 1 minute frequency. That is just 0.
Running .NET Core web application on Linux
As proof of concept we tried to run AppBeat frontend (web application on https://appbeat.io/) on Ubuntu Linux 14.04.
First we had to switch to portable NuGet client library for WCF. This is necessary for communication with our backend. We then used auto generated proxies from Visual Studio “Add Service Reference” utility and only changed few lines of code (to explicitly cast objects to IDisposable at the end).
With this change web project was successfully compiled under dnxcore50 profile!
Special offer for startups
For startups not older than one year, we are offering website monitoring service for FREE. Please contact us for details.
Work in progress: installable smart agents for richer telemetry
We are planning to extend our platform with smart agents that can be installed on workstations or servers. We will provide for example CPU, memory, disk space monitoring, …, with possibility to extend agent with custom logic to monitor virtually anything.
We plan to develop cross platform shared codebase with platform specific extensions. For example, here is example of simple implementation for Windows operating system, which uses Performance Counter to get CPU usage:
We listen to our users!
Yesterday was our first day of AppBeat 1.0 and we received quite positive feedback from people. Thank you all!
Few users wanted quicker way to add website monitors and we listened to you. Today we published updated version which adds new “Quick website monitor” button on top of screen:
Thanks to great development tools and frameworks from Microsoft, we can rapidly develop and publish new features in matter of hours!