Coming very soon: Website Speed Test

We are currently doing final internal review of our API for synthetic website speed testing! var harResponse = AppBeat.PageSpeed.API.RunTest(test.PublicId, test.Url, test.Location); We have build entire infrastructure for this from grounds up in record time. We will provide multiple test locations and simple page for everyone to use. Later we will provide special REST API for website speed testing and we will also integrate this functionality into AppBeat monitoring as free bonus.
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Tips & Tricks: bulk importing your website monitors

Few customers who previously used competitive solution asked us if we can help them migrate their web site monitors to AppBeat. We helped them of course and in this process we also created internal tool which speeds up this migration. If you have too many websites to import them manually, please just contact us and we will gladly assist you. Why bother with manual work if we can do it automatically!
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Free 1 minute website monitoring

For those users who are using our free service, we are giving you additional choice. If you want to have one minute website monitoring instead of five minute interval, we can offer you this for free, if you are good with just one web monitor. To summarize: you can have 5 x five minute website monitors or we can offer you 1 x one minute web site monitor - for free of course.
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Take advantage of free website monitoring

Want to monitor your website but don’t want to spend any money? At AppBeat we make this possible! We offer five monitors which are scheduled every 5 minutes free of charge! All you have to do is Sign Up for free account (no credit card is required). If you later need more monitors or want to have 1 minute checks, you can upgrade at any time for very affordable price (if you find cheaper offer elsewhere please contact us and we will make you even better).
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Website monitoring badges

If you would like to put link to your AppBeat public status page for your visitors to see website availability, you can use these badge images: What is AppBeat? AppBeat is perfect tool for website owners for whom high availability of their websites is crucial for their business. You can quickly create page monitor with just two clicks or you can create advanced website check, where you have more control:
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